Picture of the day:
Teddy Bearz is massaging and pulling my counsellor's hair because I jokingly said that his hair got kutu =p
*Sorry for the blurry picture, hand was shaking..lol =) *
Walked to Medan Jaya and Farley to have dinner and shop for groceries again. Just in time to stop by the optical shop to ask for the price for daily contact lens. Yeah, maybe it's time to overcome the fear and start wearing one >.<
Had my spectacle lens checked for the power and astigmatism because I kinda forgotten how much is my power...the outcome T_____T
Right eye has more power than left eye by 100 =( There are no ready made lens that suits my power. So I have to custom made it....still considering ah! huhu...
Tomorrow and day after tomorrow ABF trainees are excused from work to decorate the Bintulu Kidurong Club hall for Chinese New Year celebration. Means no work for 2 days and I can sleep until 7 something! Yeay~~
*Something is missing...hmmm (,")*
Why still celebrating CNY? Isn't it over alr?
chemhoster : abf slow a bit..hahahaha..ppl finish cny..they baru start cny..mwahhahaha :P
aih...missing something ,amy? i know d..miss me kan?
aih.....i wanna muntah darah d.muntah muntah....aih...if the weather is good...this coming saturday..will be IRC day in Germany..=.=
Hehe ya, altho ady over but now only they do the celebration..weird kan? haha!
Yarlo...miss u so x10000000000 much la T____T
U forever IRC one..hahaha! But spend one day burying yourself with books also quite fun la. haha~ Don't muntah darah and waste it, go for blood donations better >.< wakakaka!
yup...books are nice...but now..NO BOOKS FOR ME..wat the...when i got time..no books wanna come..when i got no time..so many books datang..ish ish~
aih......here ....blood donation? i never see before lor..hahaha
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