There's this technician who borrowed my handphone to peek at my photos in it. At the same time, he is searching for the "someone" who appeared before in my life who doesn't look like a normal friend (if you get what i mean)..haha!
There are over 2000 photos in it (period: 1 year) and i salute him for scrolling down until the end...came to think of it, I have kept all the photos for so long. Photos that can almost write down a small chapter of my life, no matter its a good or a bad one...
Although there might be some unhappy moments but these are still my past, I can't, and shouldn't delete that part of my life...we should always look forward to what is lying ahead of us and not always mourning about the past right?
So what are we waiting for? Have a good night sleep and say hello to another beautiful day ^_^