Monday, May 07, 2007

Never felt like this before

I have never hated a person as much as i hate one today...

I am not going to relate back the whole story here as this may only cause more misunderstanding or anger. So, sorry guys if you want to know the whole story. I just want to let go of my feelings here to reduce my pain. I just don't know why some people can be so blunt and rude, do not even know how to respect others.

I do not know how to describe my feelings. I hate to make enemies rather than friends but there is always a limitation to one's patience. That person has really crossed the line and i can't stand it anymore.

I hate myself for having that feeling of hatred in me but i really lose control of myself this time. (this rarely happens) Then, there is another case where at the beginning of this year, for God knows what reason, a girl suddenly started a cold war towards me. We did not have any conflicts and we never state out our discomfort but just out of a sudden, she started to have that kind of look towards me and stop talking to me. Well, i guess that this was the job of a 'batu api' between us. I dare not ask her what actually happened and just kept quiet until now. Sometimes, i tried to start a conversation with her but in the end, i just decided not to because sometimes when you don't speak to a person for a very long time, you will never knew what is the right thing to say anymore. However, a few days ago, we kind of involved in something together and she started to speak to me, but in certain occasion where it is urgent only. Otherwise, we will just keep to ourselves and be like strangers. We can't turn back the time and be as close as we used to be last time.

Therefore, my point here is that, the feelings of hating someone and being hated is not fun at all. It only brings pain and bad memories. Thus, back to the person that i am talking about today... i am trying hard to forget what that person had done to me. I just want to get over it as soon as possible. Back from the library this evening, i didn't take the shortcut to my hostel. Instead, i took a long walk and think hard about what had happened, why did it happenened, so on and so forth. Then, i tried blurted out everything in my blog to transfer my anger to my writings. But, UTP very potong steam arrhhh...suddenly no electricity in the whole campus, and all my writings are gone. (didn't manage to save it) Haha, by then, my anger had dropped down to half already and when the electricity finally came back, i found out that i actually not that angry anymore. Finally, after finish my all writings here, i hope that i will have a peaceful night and forgot about what had happened. Thanks guys who are concerned about me and sorry if my skype message really frightened you...haha, didn't mean to. I just can't control myself that time, but i am better now, much much better. =P

That's all for^^


Anonymous said...

hahax. dear. dun feel so angry la. y wana care bout HER so much? make ur life more miserable nia. unless u r referrin to me la. lol. dun worry la. u still got other ppl ma. like me, Mr. Hot & Spicy. lol! do kip on bloggin wei. i love readin ur posts. =) muaxx.

FrOz3n Tr3e said...

haha will never be u dear...u will oni appear in my sweet sweet dreams...glad to have u around when there is nobody that i can trust..thx lots...luv ya..muaxx^^

Philip Chan said...

My dear Amy,
Dun b so angry la... Sumtimes people r like dat one la.. Dey might b cold 2wards u but actually deep inside edy r not so bad after all... N it'll b better if u go tell her straight wat u feel n c wat is her response..
If she really wan cari pasal wif u den u know oredi.. These r frens u dun need.. Thank God dat He shows u the true traits of ur fren. She dun deserve a fren if she turns cold 4 no reason.
However, 4 the benefit of the said person, i think she surely has her own reason or maybe it was juz a small misunderstanding.. So, by coming clean wif her, u'll b able 2 solve dis problem, instead of running away frm it.
All the best n hope 2 c u around soon...
N keep up e gud work.. Enjoy reading ur blog...
Have a nice day..