And most importantly...HOME COOK!!! lol...
*From left, inouki mushroom with cabbage, ikan mabung and long beans*
After half an hour....
Left this poor little fishy sleeping in the fridge...wakaka
Miss my mum's cooking mood to eat in UTP's cafe anymore, especially this month, which is the Bulan Puasa for the Malays, lagi nothing to eat..huhu
After our main's time for dessert!!! lol..with my favourite fruit salad...(i made it on my own de oo =p)
hmmp, okla..i know the colour is a bit pale..hehe...but you really should taste it...i'm not praising's a combination of a honeydew, 2 apples, nata de coco and mayonaise...hehe...all really no colour de =p *hands up* (not my fault...wakaka)
Then... we have our...
Orange sponge cake!!! lol...freshly baked from the oven....hehe
:( missing home already...
Very delicious la..YUMMMY!!
Wei. Y none for me? T.T
siew feng~
yup yup, home food is always the best!!! =p
xox 'lyng' xox~
what none for u? u mamai ka? lol...or u LOVE the banana cake toooooo much until forgotten about the sponge cake liao?? hmmp...pity pity... *shakin head*
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