Suddenly crave for hard boiled egg, so i boil one with my electric kettle. While boiling i heard a little "crik" sound. So i check the egg, a little crack appeared with some egg white sticking out. Thinking that it's quite normal, i ignored it.....
A few minutes later, i heard a louder "pop" sound and huge amount of water started flowing out... panicked, i lift the whole kettle up but its too hot and water still flowing out non-stop. I quickly move my external HD and some of the wet papers and files to a dryer place T___T
The aftermath was terrible. my documents and books are wet, table is covered with egg yolk + water..yucks!
Lesson learnt, when there is a crack in the egg, do not continue boiling it :(
poor u. y don't u borrow multipurpose cooker from housemate? i think in v5 kitchen, they always have cooker?
hahha~ i just wanna boil 1 egg...dun need to use multipurpose cooker i think :p
LOL, the boiler is too much for boil an egg de...
but you can actually boil the egg that way, but hor...
you need to "warm" the egg first, cuz suddenly heat it will cuz crack and explode...
probably the egg is no longer fresh dy...
yupz yupz, i think its bcos the egg is not fresh dy..cos i boiled dozens of eggs in that kettle before also no problem :p
ew....later cirit-birit eh...
btw, if you kept the eggs in fridge, remember to keep it warm back to room temperature first...
hehehe~ is it a must? usually i lazy to wait, terus boil eh~ wakakak! :p
nothing better to do >.<
hungry la~ mau makan..LOL
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